Boost your Mortgage
referrals using fast client reports and HomeValue reports

LoanGraphs makes your loan discussion with existing clients an additional opportunity to receive referrals.

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Boost your Mortgage referrals by 34% in under 4 minutesTotal Balance
Join the many LO’s who use LoanGraphs tools to boost their business
Total Balance

Trusted by some LO's from some of the nation’s largest lenders:


Build Credibility with a complete client financial presentation

Build Credibility with a complete client financial presentation

Client presentations shows the total amount clients will save with up to 4 different CUSTOM loan scenarios.

Average referral increase: 15%

Build Confidence with showing their savings over time with extra monthly payments.

Build Confidence with showing their savings over time with extra monthly payments.

Client can adjust their savings on the go!

Build Confidence with showing their savings over time with extra monthly payments.

Features you love without complicated tech

Easy to set up

Easy to set up

Simply input your details and then save closing cost templates!

Fast Report

Fast Report

Don't waste your time creating reports! spend that time asking for referrals!

Client Analytics

Client Analytics

Your dashboard saves all your clients in each step and notifies you when clients view a report


Building out Industry Leading Integrations

Easy to set up

In progress: PMI, Pricing integations

Simply input your details and then save!

Fast Report

In progress: Zapier, CRM integrations

Don't waste your time transferring data! spend that time asking for referrals!

Client Analytics

In progress: SMS, Outlook, Google Suite integrations

Your client dashboard will sync all your data so you won't lose track!!!


Who is LoanGraphs Integrated with?


Coming Soon

Ellie Mae Encompass

Coming Soon

Loan Sifter

Coming Soon

Calyx Point

Coming Soon

Radian PMI

Coming Soon


Our Client Stories using LoanGraphs

LoanGraphs Client story
Client Stories
“LoanGraphs is a very powerful tool for financial mortgage comparisons. I can't stand wasting time or using excel, so this saves me time and makes it really easy to create compelling financial comparisons! Loangraphs is pretty useful.”

Thomas Frank

CEO of New Capital Finance and Client of Loangraphs

Our Client Stories using LoanGraphs
Clients Stories
“ is my favorite copywriting tool. I can't stand staring at a blinking cursor or getting distracted from writing content, so this saves me time and makes it really easy to create compelling copy for ads, emails, websites, landing pages, blogs, etc. Loangraphs is really great .”

Michael Amstrong

CEO of Paypal and Client of loangraph

Our Client Stories using LoanGraphs
Clients Stories
“ is my favorite copywriting tool. I can't stand staring at a blinking cursor or getting distracted from writing content, so this saves me time and makes it really easy to create compelling copy for ads, emails, websites, landing pages, blogs, etc. Loangraphs is really great .”

Michael Amstrong

CEO of Paypal and Client of loangraph

The right plan for your needs Simple, transparent pricing



Generate fast Purchase and Refi reports

25 reports per month
400 clients limit
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Contact us for custom deployments

White Label environments
Custom CRM Integrations
Pricing/MI integration
Closed Loan Reports
Contact Us

What our clients say

Ken Crute Headshot

Ken Crute

CEO of Capitol Mortgage Group


Not too shabby!

Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
June 2021
LoanGraphs Client story

Tyler Kight

Apex Home Loans


I think anyone originating without ... is living in the stone ages

Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
June 18, 2021

Nash Paradise

Branch Manager, LHM Financial

I got you!

I spy a ... template!

Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating